"Good News for the Spiritually Dry"
We're not hopeless nor rejected just because we are spiritually dry.
“Growing Through a Dry Season”
“Good News for the Spiritually Dry”
Dry seasons are the result of conditions that have cut us off from the vitality and productivity that we previously experienced.
Trees often come to life even though they have been felled because the root system is intact.
The hope expressed for the tree is that being cut down is not the end of its life.
“If someone cuts down a tree, there is hope for it to sprout again” or “We can hope that a tree that has been cut down will sprout again.”
If it be cut down, that it will sprout again expresses both the condition and the consequences.
Trees often come to life even though they have been felled because the root system is intact.
The noun form of the verb “sprout” occurs in v. 14 translated “renewal.”
life is still present despite appearances.
First a tree (7–10), apparently dead (8), has an astonishing capacity to revive at the mere scent of water (9).